100% Natural Raw Honey Online Premium | Proudly Produced by Wild Bees

Get extra special forest honey - packed and reimagined

Some People Love It When They Get Something, Which Is Special In Some Way; Of Course, All The Products Given By Wild Honey Hunters Are Special In One Way Or The Other, As You Can’t Source It From The Current Market Easily. But Also It Takes Some Extra Time And Some Special Care To Hand Craft Some Prestigious Products And Gives It To People Who Really Wants Something Special.
Thus Was Born From Our Thought Single Hive Honey 100% Raw Natural Wild Honey. Irrespective Of The Quantity, We Squeeze Individual Hives And Pack It Without Blending It With Other Hives, Each Hive Has Different Taste And Texture, And None Resemble The Other. Everything Is Unique And Cannot Be Compared With Others.
'Signature Single Hive Honey - 100% raw Honey online Natural Wild '' which is collected using traditional methods by real honey gatherers. Our honey is completely untainted by chemicals and pollutants, making it the purest form of honey available. This natural honey is rich in antioxidants, minerals and nutrients that are essential for a healthy diet.
This is a Special and unique taste, premium quality honey which captures the spirit of Emassk. This honey has a wonderful texture and this signature range honey is 100% raw organic wild honey. It is sourced from one single hive , hence the name Signature Single Hive Honey. It is pure, straight from the source, full of life energy and absolutely impossible to duplicate. We Emassk as a gatherers are passionate about what they do, their love for honey gathering shines through in every jar of their honey produced.
You experience the greatness of single-hive (and, in all honesty, it's truly single-comb outline) honey. At the end of the day, I swipe the honey comb from its envelope or bar, and we squash that honeycomb with a machine called Human hands so the honey from a solitary casing runs straightforwardly through a sieve and into a little bowl. we then, at that point, quickly empty that honey into a container. It's that straightforward, unadulterated honey that you eat and wonder about.
This is the thing makes Single Hive honey novel: The honey in each edge possesses a flavor like whatever was blossoming when the honey bees put away it. For example, assuming Butterfly Milkweed and Blanket Flower were sprouting when the honey bees put away nectar in that specific casing, then the honey reaped with that edge will have an aftertaste like Butterfly Milkweed and Blanket Flower. Each Hive tastes one of a kind to whatever was sprouting.
Above all squashed hive will remain in the bottle which ensures more pure and unique in taste